
Total war warhammer high elves
Total war warhammer high elves

total war warhammer high elves

They have super low armor and are glass figures on the battlefield, but they have decent leadership ratings at 60, and basically low stats everywhere else other than range. They’re a basic ranged unit with a “good range” bonus. They also have a charge defense bonus against enemy units that charge you. Their bonuses are where they shine, where they have anti-large bonuses for taking down special units, they have armor-piercing weapons, and an armored bonus against incoming attacks. They have an extremely high armor rating of 100, very high leadership at 90, low speed, and above-decent melee attack and defensive ratings. The Phoenix Guard are the most feared of the High Elf infantrymen due to the fact that they can see their own death, so they have no fear while on the battlefield.

Total war warhammer high elves